LATTE - Female Labrador RetrieverHound (Unknown Type) Mix

AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION Flooded with Love Latte was recently rescued from flood ravaged Louisiana and is looking for her forever family. Latte is a five month old 23 lb female lab hound mix puppy that loves dogs of all sizes. She loves people and is wiggly love bug and would love to attend puppy training classes with her family as she is learning about leashes walking and is a quick study Latte will make a wonderful loving companion. Her adoption fee of 325.00 includes her spay microchip and current vaccinations. For an adoption application visit -X ----X.- adoption-application-dogs or email SPOT at -X(at)-----XX to meet Latte To follow Latte on her way to a loving family on SPOT s Facebook page visit -XX --XX.- spotsavespets ... More Info



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