FREE young tree frog

I have a Pacific Tree Frog (aka Baja California Tree Frog Pacific Calling frog) that needs a good home. I don t know much about frogs but from the research I ve done it appears to be a young male. This type of frog is easy to care for and would be great as a first pet. Pacific Tree Frogs can be kept in a small fish tank or sterilite container with air holes drilled in the top and will need a diet of small insects (until it s bigger 4 pinhead crickets every two days will do). For a substrate you can use moist sphagnum moss soil coconut fiber or any other substrate that will help retain humidity and is commonly used for small amphibians. As for any type of tree frog they will need somewhere to peacefully hide (such as live or fake plants with leaves that the frog can hide in) and a shallow water dish of dechlorinated water. You should mist the cage with a spray bottle of dechlorinated water a few times a week to maintain humidity. The first photo posted is of the actual frog. The rest are examples of the species and what he will likely look like in adulthood. As much as I would love to keep him I don t have the time or resources to care for him and all water sources nearby have dried up so there isn t anywhere safe to release him. I need someone who knows how to care for frogs to pick him up ASAP free to a good home. I will include whatever crickets are left when you pick him up. Please bring your own aquarium. email or text only please



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