Hi Im Charlie a purebred male black lab

Hi My name is Charlie. I am enjoying growing up with my 8 other litter mates where we play and tussle all day. Then Mom and Dads kids come to play and we have soo much fun. But Mom and Dad say they cannot keep all of us. We are just to many. I ve been worrying about this. Where could I go Then I thought of all you good people. Surely one of you could give me a home I won t ask for much Plenty of good food and water a good place to run and an occassional dog treat. You know like maybe one a day or so. Mom and Dad are taking wonderful care of me. They got me vet checked gave my first shots and dewormed me. And they got me this fine paperwork. They said its ACA and every great dog needs that. It didn t look like much to me but if they say so well they would know I guess. My mother is an American Chocolate lab and my Father is an English Yellow lab. Oh I didn t mention- I m a boy. No pink girlish things for me To make sure I m going to a wonderful home Mom and Dad are asking for a reservation fee of 200 with the remaining 550 due when you pick me up on October 20th. Call or text Mom today at 315 651 8298.



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