Kip - Male Australian Cattle Dog Mix

Kip is a special dog looking for special owners. It is very likely that he he is deaf and so will need a little extra special training and management. He is also a bit shy and will need committed adopters willing to spend time and energy slowly introducing him to all the sights and sounds of his new life. He warms up quickly to new people but he takes longer to become comfortable with new places. He likes to play with toys and will likely be very playful once he is comfortable in his home and he has gained some more confidence. He will benefit from adopters using treats to make petting and handling a positive experience. Kids should be 10 due to his ability to become overwhelmed. He may be a good match as a second dog and he may do fine with a resident cat in the home. A consult with our B& T staff can provide you with tips for working with him. Primary Color White Secondary Color Red Weight 29.6 Age 0yrs 6mths 2wks... More Info



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