Gracie - Female Great Dane

Please contact JoEllen (--XX(at)--X) for more information about this pet. Please apply online at -X ----XX.- adoption-application Gracie is a 2 year old female Dane that was an owner surrender due to having too many dogs. She is a little shy until she gets used to her surroundings but does well once she is comfortable She is a smaller girl weighing in about 100 s. Gracie s favorite place to sleep is in the middle of her foster mom s bed She gets along great with small dogs to large dogs and she even likes cats Gracie is fully vaccinated spayed has had her stomach tacked (gastropexied) and she is heartworm negative. She is house broken and knows how to use the dog door. If you are interested in this sweet girl her adoption fee is 400 and an online application can be completed at -.----XX.-. Please apply online at -X ----XX.- adoption-application ... More Info



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