Alec - Male Labrador Retriever Mix

If you like your friends goofy ready for adventure and with a good sense of humor Alec might be the one for you. Alec is an energetic adolescent dog who would love an active family to go on adventures with. Toys Fun training games yes please Alec s family should have prior dog experience and kids 10 and older that can handle his exuberant nature. Adolescence is a key part of a dog s life where they depend on their families for guidance and training. Alec is social with other dogs but as a young dorky guy will need work on his play manners. His dog friends will need to be carefully chosen to keep him out of trouble. This pup would do best in a kitty-free home. Sign up for one of our classes (agility and tricks ) to teach your new buddy all the skills to be the best dog ever. Primary Color Blonde Weight 44.6 Age 0yrs 10mths 2wks... More Info



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