Sonny - Male Chihuahua Mix

Sonny with his striking black and white coat pattern was surrendered along with his doggie roommate as the family is moving out of the country and could not take their dogs. Sonny was originally adopted from MHS several years ago so we are glad to have him returned to us.Sonny should really be called Sunny as that is his personality. He is cheerful and happy and loves meeting new people. He will immediately drop and roll on his back for a tummy rub. Few can resist the gesture. Sonny showed a mild interest in a rolling ball and this could possibly be turned into a retrieve with a little effort. But mostly Sonny just likes people.Although he lived with another dog Sonny was probably not socialized to other dogs. He does not really care to meet or engage with dogs. This was confirmed by his previous owners. This attitude is unlikely to change as Sonny is a mature dog and set in his ways. We think first-time owners would like Sonny. Children should however always be supervised by an adult when playing with him. Daily walks and some interactive playtime will help keep Sonny in good shape. A small dog training class is suggested as this will help cement your bond with Sonny. Don t let his 11 years fool you Sonny has plenty of vim and vigor to carry him through a long life with his new family. Primary Color Black Secondary Color White Weight 7.4 Age 11yrs 7mths 2wks... More Info



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