Become a User Experience (UX) Designer

Become a User Experience (UX) DesignerDo you want more out of your career At Kenzie Academy we ve developed an immersive training program that will launch you into a rewarding career in tech. From day one you will learn from Kenzie s expert instructors from companies like Google and Linkedin from our campus in Indianapolis Indiana.In year two you ll work as a paid UX consultant for local and global tech companies at Kenzie Studios directly applying your skills from your Kenzie Academy training.Compared to pricy boot camps that offer a mediocre experience you can complete Kenzie s alternative college training PLUS working program foronly 1 000 down and pay for the rest once you have a job.APPLY HERE Interested candidates can apply here s apply Who we are Kenzie Academy is a tech apprenticeship and coding school. We offer a 6 month to 2-year program as a new alternative to traditional college. We provide a clear path towards a rewarding career in tech for students from all backgrounds.What you will be doing The UX track prepares students to research plan and design digital experiences in an Agile business setting.The emphasis is on developing proficiency in user experience design while providing a basic introduction to research visual design copywriting and product management.During the UX track students create a portfolio of both individual and team projects and practice communicating effectively both on the job and in an interview setting. Graduates of this program are expected to be proficient entry-level user experience designers.Learning ObjectivesEmploy standard tools for everyday design tasks Wireframe and deliver high-fidelity mockups with Sketch Prototype and collaborate with Invision Fill a wide array of positions on an Agile team Familiarity in the breadth of the UX field and the various roles it entails Translate business foals into design objectives Work with project managers to establish roadmaps and a product vision. Effectively communicate & advocate for design Advocate for design thinking and user-centric design within the organization Understand motives for various stakeholders Apply design thinking & user centered design techniques Incorporate user goals and personas in all aspects of product development Interview potential and existing users as part of the discovery process Design the user journey Apply storytelling to understand user and business goals at a high level using storyboarding and personas Work with stakeholders to map out flows and requirements Translate requirements into wireframes



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