Huge Public Auction Sat. June 8th Magnolia Gardens Auction House

Get ready for our next outstanding auction Saturday June 8th at Magnolia Gardens Auction House the best auction house around This floor set is out of this world this week and it is only Monday Are you ready for this.....absolutely gorgeous fireplace mantel beautiful Bombay dresser lovely king size tuft bed log furniture depression glass vintage Pyrex antique tools(Leco Power lawn edger) English side by side fabulous reclaimed furniture like wine cabinets china hutch parlor set drop front desk kitchen cabinet adorable child s dome chairs wagon wheel bench we have gotten our hand on some more folk art by Leon Collins and so much more to come Our doors open at 5 for viewing and the sale starts at 7 we can save you some seats call 281-516-7251 or 713-363-4855. Visit our website at also follow us on Facebook. Remember if for some reason you are unable to attend you may call one of the numbers above and leave a bid. Tina Murphy 16380Items Sold As Is16% Buyers PremiumCash Check and Credit Card AcceptedOpen to the PublicDealers Welcome



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