Fellowes SB95C Paper Shredder Parts - Price: $5 ea.

Need used working hard-to-find parts to repair your Fellowes SB95C Paper Shredder I have a computer board a capacitor and a motor for this unit. If interested buyer must supply transportation. I have included pictures of each item and listed any identification numbers from each item to assist you. I cannot state if these parts might be used with other Fellowes models but you can bring your old parts to compare. Price quoted is per item. Hope these items meet your needs. Capacitor Dianz CBB60 MKP SH IBC252 E183428(N) 2006.04.SB Computer Board 240311 060404LF (on paper on green back) Bottom left front E190089 T223201-1 CFR-4 94U-0 Motor YY11550-4M12 223365



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