Petey - Male Domestic Shorthair Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Petey may have been the smallest kitten in his litter but he has the biggest personality. Petey is an adventurous kitten with such a happy spirit. He LOVES to play with toys his siblings or his foster mom. Give him a feather or a bottle cap and he will entertain you for an hour. He especially enjoys wrestling with his brother Georgie. Petey also enjoys sitting on his foster mom s lap while she s on the computer. If you re interested in adopting Petey please email -X(at)-----XX or complete the pre-adopt below and Petey s foster mom will contact you.DOB 5 13 16Interested in adopting Click the following link to complete a pre-adopt application -X ----X.- available-cats catkitten-pre-adopt-questionnaire All our pets are tested for heartworm (dogs) or FLV FIV (cats) spayed neutered and up-to-date on their vaccines and flea prevention. Please visit -.----X.- for info on adopting our pets.Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.All our pets are tested for heartworm (dogs) or FLV FIV (cats) spayed neutered and up-to-date on their vaccines and flea prevention. Please visit -.----X.- for info on adopting our pets.... More Info



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