2012 Mazda MAZDA3 i Touring - Price: $14,907

Barrels of fun Smiles included No extra charge Mazda3 i at Sport Mazda in Orlando FL- This Mazda was well maintained & in exceptional condition. The Gray colored exterior has no body damage & is impressive with the original New Paint shine & condition still intact. Inside you will also find incredibly well maintained seating and convenience safety options all in proper and working order. The Mazda3 s driving impression was a good one with an overall quality feel. Creampuff This handsome 2012 Mazda Mazda3 is not going to disappoint. There you have it short and sweet It will allow you to have a blast out on the road and get superb fuel economy while you re at it. IMPORTANT Internet Special pricing is Market Driven and represents dealer s Best Price Today. Due to high demand and low supply resulting in unprecedented inventory turnover rates our Pre-owned prices may not reflect total reconditioning and preparation cost associated with vehicle. For this reason preliminary pricing displayed is after two thousand cash down or trade equity. Depending on vehicle may have room to negotiate. Please call or email dealer for details. Due to the possibility of 3rd party errors or omissions dealership is not liable for the accuracy of information in listing. Online Pricing does not include any administrative fees-or Lender Special programs associated with the sale.



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