HUGE Sale 1551 Winsford Lane York 17404 Friday 531 and Sat 61 fr

HUGE MULTI-FAMILY yard sale (1551 Winsford Lane York PA 17404- Central School District New Brittany 2)Minutes from Cousler Park - Just off Greenbriar Rd. (between Church Rd and Canal Rd) Friday 5 31 and Saturday 6 1... 8 AM to 1 PM.... rain or shine Literally Hundreds of items Tons of stuff for everyone Chairs desk counter stools virtually brand new twin mattress & wicker headboard rocking chairs kids table & chair sets pictures and more Like New Boys and Girls Clothes - size M (8 10) up to size XXL (18 20)Featuring brands like JUSTICE NIKE CHAMPION and more GIGANTIC selection of TOYS PUZZLES BOOKS CRAFTS GAMES - Many never opened still in original packaging Kids costumes sports equipment Men s and Women s clothing jackets household items linens toiletries etc. Stop by for the best selection in the neighborhood



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