India Best Pre Engineered Building System

Riddhima Building System (RBS) is the leading company of Pre Engineered Building systems in India. We produces a wide range of pre engineered building systems. RBS manufactures high-quality and guaranteed Pre Engineered Building systems. Pre Engineered Buildings are an excellent solution for some applications such as warehouses factories small to big workshops offices in the single or mezzanine floor gas stations vehicle parking sheds showrooms and aircraft hangars. We can designed as per your requirements with the help of design and steel optimization. All are available in standard or long span options.There are many benefits of using Pre Engineered Building (PEB) systems 1. Reduced Construction Time 2. Reduced Costs 3. The flexibility of Expansion 4. Quality Control 5. Low MaintenanceContact Us Web Registered Address F-184 UPSIDC M.G.Road Hapur-245101 Uttar Pradesh GhaziabadBranch Office Address F-245 SGM NAGAR FARIDABADPhone 91 120 6400351 91 8130785999Email info(at)



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