Part-Time Paralegal - Asian Outreach Project

GBLS is an AA EO accessible employer committed to diversity in the workforce and regards differences as assets. Greater Boston Legal Services is looking to hire a part-time (60%) paralegal to work in the Asian Outreach Program. The Asian Outreach Program provides bilingual and bicultural legal services and support for movement building to Asian Americans and Asian immigrants seeking access to justice. Asian Outreach uses a community lawyering model to work with clients and grassroots organizations to advocate for the legal rights of indigent and Asian immigrant communities. We believe that understanding the role of the community is critical to the partnership between the legal and community arms of any movement. Under the supervision of an attorney case handlers may provide legal counsel and guidance but clients often know the needs of their community best and can be their own fiercest advocate. Our model enables us to respond to the day-to-day needs of the Asian American community and inspires our broader work against systemic inequality and oppression. The paralegal will conduct community outreach and intake provide community legal education collaborate with existing community partners and foster new relationships with grassroots groups represent individual clients in administrative proceedings and support grassroots groups. The paralegal will be a generalist providing legal assistance in substantive law areas such as housing employment family immigration and public benefits. GBLS is looking for a paralegal who is bilingual in Chinese (Mandarin and or Cantonese fluency is required additional dialects are welcome). An understanding of Asian Asian American history and culture and experience working with Asian immigrant communities is preferred. Strong interpersonal skills and a commitment to working with low-income immigrants with limited-English proficiency are required. Salary is based on union scale. GBLS provides excellent benefits including health and dental insurance. Interested candidates should submit a resume with a cover letter describing any prior public interest legal work and or experience working with the Asian immigrant community to Sonia Marquez Director of Human Resources via email at jobs(at) Please refer to job code AOP-Para when applying for this position. Deadline is May 20 2019 or until position is filled.



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