Marketing Job Offer - Compensation: Marketing Assistant

Information on the Job Offered Global Trading Inc is now hiring a Marketing office assistant position. We are looking for someone who can work as a team and communicate well with others Please apply in 5909 NW expressway suite A-210 Oklahoma city OK 73132 interviews can be given on the spot. Come Join a growing company. Contact E-mail ktngusa(at) Hiring Marketing Office Assistant Location Oklahoma City Office Hour 08 30 to 5 00 Mon to Fri < Skills Abilities> . Pro-active creative thinker that contributes original and resourceful ideas to workplace and marketing challenges. . Ability to discern effective marketing opportunities . Self-starter able to work independently . Ability to work effectively as part of a geographically dispersed team . MS Office (Word Excel PowerPoint) Job Description < Office Management & Major Tasks & Responsibilities> . Answer the phone and transfer to the proper person . Purchase any necessary supplies (Stationery Supplies Commodities etc.) . Keep the bar station (Sink Coffee Maker etc.) clean and neat . Check the mail box everyday . Mailing and Sending the product(s) . Communication with Building manager UPS FedEx USPS etc. . Send a Birthday Gift for Wholesalers (Every Month) . Take care of Sample Cigarette Inventory (Every Month) . Perform General Office Tasks assigned by Chain of Commanders < Expenditures Basic> . Office rental . Corporate Housing rental . UPS and Postage Service ( . Cox (Phone Fax and Internet) . Water (Eureka Water Company) . Rental Car (Commerce Bank affiliated with Enterprise National) . Other payments when necessary . Take care of Reimbursement for Marketing Managers (Business Trip etc.) . Take care of monthly expenditures of the President s Business Trip . Take care of monthly expenditures of the Marketing Office . Most expenditures are paid by Corporate Card (Some payments are paid by checks) . Access the accounting system in order to take care of monthly expenditures of any kinds < Expenditures Others> . Flight Ticket and Hotel for Business Trip of Senior Managers Other Information < Contract> . Require 3-month of training period from the 1st working date after hired . Official Employment contract will be made after 3-month of training . Official Employment contract will end at the end of the year and will be renewed at the beginning of the following year unless significant misconducts are found < Salary> . 400.00 per week . Salary can be increased every fiscal year when the employment contract is renewed. Salary increase will be decided based upon the level of performance evaluated by the upper management. < Other Benefit> . Lunch Support 11.00 per working day . Bi Annual Bonus (at the end of June & December) the Amount of 2-week salary Note In order to receive this bonus it is required to have 6-month ( ) working period after the officially employed at the beginning of the year e.g. If an employee made the official employment contract in August the Bonus will be provided at the end of June of the following year. < Vacation and Personal Paid Time-Off> Working Term Vacation Personal Time-Off Less than 6 months - - 6 months to 5 years 5 days 5 days 5 years to 10 years 5 days 10 days More than 10 years 5 days 15 ays < Benefit Simulation (Annual Term before any Tax deduction> Detail Amount Remark Weekly Salary 20 800.00 400 x 52 weeks Bi-Annual Bonus 1 600.00 400 x 2 x 2 times Daily Lunch Support 2 860.00 11 x 5 days x 52 wks Sum 25 260.00



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