Japanese Tea Seminar with evening cocktail - Food and drinks usi

Tea is not just a drink. Enjoy the evening with five courses of food made with tea paired with tea and tea cocktails. Participants will be enlightened by a variety of new ways of consuming tea throughout the seminar. Date September 18th (Tue)Time 6 45pm - 8 45pmLocation Chakura (Cha-an Private Space 3rd Fl)Address 230 E. 9th St. 3rd Fl. New York NY 10003Price 68 tax (includes 5 courses food and drinks including cocktails)Maximum Guest 25 peopleInstructor Rona Tison Exec. Vice President-Corporate Relations ITO EN(North America) INC.Rona Tison is the Exec. Vice President of Corporate Relations at ITO EN (North America) INC the world s leading green tea company and innovators of healthy beverages to include Oi Ocha TEAS TEA & Matcha LOVE. Being half-Japanese she is well versed in Japanese culture and traditions with extensive experience in the food & beverage industry hospitality and retail. She serves on the Tea & Health Committee of the U.S. Tea Association on the Advisory Board of the World Tea Expo and has been a guest speaker and ambassador of U.S.-Japan relations at the Smithsonian Lecture Series Shizuoka World Tea Festival and prestigious James Beard Foundation. She was the first woman to receive the prestigious John Harney Lifetime Achievement Award 2018 for her educational contributions to the tea industry.For more info & reservation please visit www.chakuranyc.comMENUDRINKMatcha MimosaGyokuroIced Matcha SakeFOODChakura Tomato Amuse BoucheHomemade Matcha Sesame TofuGreen tea rub BBQ w Watermelon Cucumber Matcha SaladShade-Grown Gyokuro Tea Rice w PonzuHandcraft Matcha Ice cream w Toppings (Fruit& Cookies)



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