My3Sons:Home ServicesandRepairs Contact: 661-932-7127 (Kern Coun

My Three Sons Maintenance is a full service company available 6 days a week. We provide a quality service at an affordable price. . .In fact if you get a better price. . . We ll beat it by 10% SERVICES OFFERED No Charge Residential Commercial maintenance inspection. Exterior commercial residential pressure wash cleaning service. Dryer vent cleaning service gutter cleaning repair service. Window washing window frame maintenance. We remove haul away the things you don t want or need Old furniture electronics yard waste and all unwanted debris. LAST BUT NOT LEAST Maintaining repairing exterior interior (commercial residential) needs Interior Exterior paint jobs Sprinkler Irrigation repairs Install Drywall maintenance repair Install Stucco Acrylic coating maintenance repairs Patio covers creations maintenance repairs Wrought iron gates maintenance repairs Exterior Interior wood related maintenance repair Upgrade Improve flooring by installing tile wood carpet etc. . . Exterior fence rebuilds Specializing in home improvement solutions... Call 661-932-7127



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