Fleur - Female Chihuahua Mix

Fleur is a shy little soul a smallish Chihuahua mix with a sweet face and a beautiful coat of cream and brown tones. Using a label like shy can be misleading though because like a child who is slow to warm up to strangers Fleur will become animated and affectionate once she knows you. With a little patience and some quiet time together you may find that she would be a great Constant Companion for you. Are you looking for an emotionally secure mutually satisfying low-maintenance pet guardian relationship Fleur is Just go slowly when you say hello let her sit at your feet and take a little walk by your side and see if she should be your devoted companion. Meet flower-like Fleur at the East Bay SPCA. Pet number 38080. Primary Color Cream Secondary Color Brown Weight 7.13 Age 4yrs 1mths 1wks... More Info



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