i have a black and white shih tzu mixed with a poodle for sale.

Friendly dog loves children loves to play and cuddle. he acts like a kid he is very very protective. potty trained he scratches on the door when he needs to go out to the bathroom. comes with a carrier dog bowl shaving kit leash paw grease shampoo collar and toys. I hope that he can find a good home I work and go to school that I don t have much time to care for him. he loves children. him and my child love each other but I can not care for him he also gets along with other dogs. I do not have any records my friend recently gave him to me. his name is Jitter bug but you can also call him JB. he is getting old so be gentle with him but he does love to play. he is friendly and is never mean. you can speak to the owner Elisabeth at 913-433-6697....



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