Dingus - Male BasenjiLabrador Retriever Mix

My name is Dingus Im a mutt I might have some Italian Greyhound or Dutch Shepherd but Im not sure. They say I am approximately two years old but I act a bit younger. I have lots of energy and love to run and play. Stuffed animals are my favorite toys. I am also quite the cuddle buddy at the end of the day. I know sit and lay down and am fully potty trained. I have learned that cats do not want to play with me even though I really really want to play with them. I am still learning my manners and am sometimes a little mouthy but I am gentle about it and only want you to play. When I do play I can be vocal and little too overbearing for old dogs so I would be best with dogs that like to play hard like me. I love going for walks and do very well on a leash. I was adopted once before but was returned when I bit a child s hand that was in my food bowl during dinner time. I am sometimes overly protective of bones and toys but am working on improving my behavior. I am young and still learning. I am very eager to please and want to make everyone happy. I know with some training I could be your best friend.... More Info



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