Woodview Apartment Homes - Price: 595.00

Woodview Terrrace is conveniently located near interstates retail and resident services. The property is situated just east of East 10th Street and Post Road. Resident may access interstate 465 just 1.5 miles from the property. Washington Square Mall & Wal-mart are only one mile east of Woodview Terrace and the community is in walking distance of the Walgreens pharmacy and Dairy Queen. Woodview Terrace Apartments is located in Warren Township school district which is rated as one of the best school districts in Indianapolis Woodview offers newly renovated1 & 2brms apartment homes that includes wall to wall carpeting new vinyl in the kitchen and bath areas ceiling fans lots of closet space a large balcony and air conditioning new Energy Star appliances along with Energy Star Windows to help save on your energy costs Be the first to experience a great home in progress



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