WANTED: motorcycles. Old classic nice to beaters, parts old stoc

I will pick up and pay cash for the models I have listed above plus many more. I will buy nice bikes to parts bike and just parts.. No title is okay but nothing stolen. I will buy road dirt trail enduro mini bikes etc.. Old gear helmets advertisement and old dealer stock. I will buy 1-50 bikes. Just some other models but many more than just these. Yamaha xt tt500 Sr500 dt400 360cc. Suzuki Gt models Ts400. Old motor scooters Vespa Cushman lambretta etc.. Triumph Bsa Motoguzzi bultaco Maico dirt and street bikes. Anything and everything older. Please pick up the phone and contact me know. Please text call or email. Any pics and all info would be great. Please leave a message. Please get a hold of me what ever hour of the day or night does not matter to me. I have a Utah number but I am in town the whole month of June and part of July visiting my mother. I also am looking for these things. I would like to buy older Bmx bikes and Skate boards from the 1980s and older. I will buy multiple bikes 1-50 old stock etc... I would also like old posters clothes parts anything from that era. It can be a parts one or nice ones. Just some of the models are but will also buy others. Hutch Redline Mongoose Torker Quad angle GT Diamond back Dyno Skyway etc... Some skateboards like Vision Powell Hosoi Also will buy older bikes and Skates Schwinn stingray swing bikes cruisers anything. Please pick up the phone and contact me now day or night it does not matter. Please leave a message. Please text call or email. Any pics and info is good to. I will get back with you asap. I will pick up and have cash in and out easy. I have a Utah number but I am here for the summer visiting my mom. I appreciate your time. THANKS< Thanks Matthew 801-898-5865



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