NEW! 6 X 12 Cargo Trailer - V nose - ATP Trim - Mags - Price:

Beautiful red exterior color Features include - Rear ramp door with spring assist - V nose front with vertical atp trim - 24 atp side & rear - (4) heavy-duty recessed d-rings with steel backing - 2990 Leaf spring axle - 5 star - 15 aluminum mag wheels with radial tires - Aluminum style jeep style fenders - 3 8 plywood interior walls - 3 4 plywood floor - 32 inch Barnett side door with RV style latch - E Z lube hubs- Flat roof with rounded corners - 2 inch coupler & 2000lb Atwood jack - Frame undercoating with Z-Tech - Bolted or welded-on safety chains - Full DOT lighting - 5 year quick and easy trailer warranty - Screwed aluminum exterior - 4 Way Bargman plug - Interior Height 72 inches - Interior Width 68 inches - Rear Door Heigth 66 1 4 inches - Rear Door Width 62 3 4 inches - I deliver call for details 6% Ky. sales tax applicable Other trailers in stock. Call before you buy or we ll both lose money Call Steve (at) 270-792-4475 Located in Beechmont Ky. 42323



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