ATH Properties LLC a Dallas Commercial Real Estate Firm, for Sal

Steven D. Bennett Owner of ATH Properties LLC. Is here to help you Call me... ATH Properties LLC specializes in commercial real estate and tenant representation. We concentrate on the Dallas Fort Worth markets but also have relationships throughout Texas. We strive to provide high quality personalized customer service to our clients. ATH Properties is committed to meeting your unique real estate needs. Most real estate offices represent both landlords and tenants in the commercial arena. Not us we represent you and your needs. In the DFW Metroplex ATH Properties is active in tenant representation. We assist local regional and national companies and small or large organizations with their commercial real estate requirements lease renewals expansions and new locations. Real estate is generally one of the largest expenditures of a company. It impacts employees and reflects corporate image and culture. Transactions are typically complex and time consuming. ATH Properties provides the tools and knowledge to capitalize on current trends and market conditions. Thank you for your time. Steven



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