Class A CDL Drivers Needed - Compensation: 20.00 per hr

Crest Oilfiled Logistics LLC is hiring Class A CDL drivers with Tanker endorsements in Oklahoma City area. Hazmat a Plus Do you want a career in the Oilfield Industry without the manual labor If so THIS JOB IS FOR YOU Extremely competitive pay. 3 years commercial driving experience in the past 10 yrs. (oilfield a plus) No felony convictions. No active warrants or undisposed charges Ability to pass DOT physical and drug test as well as future random drug testing. Health Insurance available. If you are interested in one of these positions please respond to nwcrestofl(at) or come in for an application at Crest Oilfield Logistics 10220 W Reno Ave Oklahoma City OK 73127 We are located in the City Trailer Office building



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