Rough Collies AKC Farm Raised

We are proud to announce the birth on our farm of Blue Merle Sable Merles Dark Sables Tri colors sable faced white body and tri faced white body with patches of black Puppies will be ready to go home the end of August. We are Sunray Natural Farm and our family raises rough coat Collies on an organic family farm. Our collies are members of our family and are raised naturally with round the clock care love and attention. Puppies are handled from the day of their birth by children adults and a Certified Veterinary Technician. Your puppy will be ready for mountain farm ranch town or city life. Collies are an excellent breed for kids This will be a very intelligent loyal easy to train well rounded dog a great fit for any family. Rough Collies are Very SMART easy to train healthy strong attentive protective observant and very loyal. These are quality bred animals that are awesome dogs for children service therapy dogs agility obedience 4H livestock guards that stay close to home ranch utility herding and of course just great and loyal companions.



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