RAM CNC VERT. MILLING MACHINE, 16" X 60" - Price: $14,

buyer pays shipping REM CNC VERT. MILLING MACHINE 16 X 60 T-SLOT PRODUCTION TABLE KURT AUTO. POWER DRAW BAR 3-AXIS COOLING SYS. W ANICAM 3300 MK CONTROL M N BM-5VCNC (2000) Specifications Table working surface...................................... ......................................... 10 x 54 . Longitudinal travel (X-axis)..................................... ....................................... 31.5 . Transverse travel (Y-axis)..................................... ........................................... 19.7 . Vertical travel (Z-axis)..................................... ............................................. ... 17.7 . Quill travel....................................... ............................................. ........................ 5 . Spindle taper........................................ ............................................. .................. 40. Spindle speeds (infinitely variable in two ranges)............ 60-500 & 500-4200 rpm. Spindle motor........................................ ...................................... 5Hp 3 60 220 440. Dimensions (approx.).................................... ......................... 77 W x 66 D x 85 H. Weight (approx.).................................... ............................................. ........ 4 500 lb. Equipped with Anilam 3300 MK 3-axis CNC control with RS-232. Box-ways on knee. Air-power drawbar. THIS MACHINE CAME OUT OF A NICE AERO SPACE SHOP WELL TAKEN CARE OF IF WE CLEANED IT AND REPAINTED THE MACHINE YOU COULD SEE A PRICE OF IN THE HIGH TEENS THIS IS UNDER MARKET VALUE FOR WHAT YOU CAN BUY THIS FOR I ALSO HAVE A FEW OTHER CNC KNEE MILLS AND BED MILLS WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY I PROMISE 860 796 0230 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN A MACHINE PLEASE CALL DO NOT SEND ANY EMAIL THIS IS A VERY BUSY PLACE WE DONT ALWAYS GET TO OUR EMAIL BOX 860 796 0230 WWW.CTMILL .COM ( IF YOU MUST ) LATOOL99(at)YAHOO.COM www.youtube.com user alexandernow99 feature mhee



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