Snyder - Male Shepherd (Unknown Type)American Pit Bull Terrier M

I just turned 8 weeks old My foster mama named me after her favorite college football coach. She says I m cool calm collected very smart and bring out the best in anybody I m around because I like people so much She s says I d make a great wide receiver because I can catch toys and out-run my siblings. I have a soft side too - I love to snuggle-sleep with my brothers and sisters but my favorite spot is in my foster mom s arms. She says I will grow up to be a very handsome medium size boy. I can t wait to meet my ever-after person(s) . I and my siblings were born outside where our sweet mama was abandoned and tied to a tree. But when were 2 weeks old a nice lady from from Faithful Friends came and rescued us Primary Color Brown Brindle Secondary Color Black Weight 7.3 Age 0yrs 0mths 9wks... More Info



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