Finding a great job starts with a good education!!!

If you are seeking for a great job but you don t have the right certification to apply for the job you desire then it is time to make some changes ALLIED SCHOOL OF HEALTH is able to help you in this direction We offer great and short classes that prepares you for your state exam and makes it possible to get THE JOB YOU DESIRE The classes we offer are DENTAL ASSISTANT (8 wks) 1599.00 PHARMACY TECH. (4 wks) 999.00 PHLEBOTOMY (4wks) 699.00 PHLEBOTOMY PROF. (2wks) 449.00 NURSE AIDE (CNA) (4wks) 599.00 Payment Plans Availeble All classes are State Approved Call 281-816-5858 or email us at alliedschoolofhealth2013(at) Allied School Of Health 6065 Hillcroft Ave. 603 (Cross street Gulfton Road off Hwy 59) Houston TX 77081 Looking forward to see you



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