Magnolia State Pageant Preliminary for the 2013 Little Miss Magnolia State Pageant and Preliminary for the 2013 Teen Miss and Mrs. Magnolia State Pageant MISS SALTILLO 50 DONATION TICKET Name Address City State Zip Ticket Sold By 50 DONATION TICKET Name Address City State Zip Ticket Sold By 50 DONATION TICKET Name Address City State Zip Ticket Sold By 50 DONATION TICKET Name Address City State Zip Ticket Sold By 50 DONATION TICKET Name Address City State Zip Ticket Sold By 50 DONATION TICKET Name Address City State Zip Ticket Sold By 50 DONATION TICKET Name Address City State Zip Ticket Sold By 50 DONATION TICKET Name Address City State Zip Ticket Sold By 50 DONATION TICKET Name Address City State Zip Ticket Sold By About the donation tickets . . . You can have this form copied and sell as many tickets as you can. We will put all of the tickets in a drawing for prizes at the pageant. You must send in your tickets by April 15 2013 to let us know if you sold tickets so we can order your trophies. Please cut the sheet of tickets apart before you come to the pageant. SATURDAY APRIL 20 2013 SALTILLO COMMUNITY CENTER SALTILLO MS - 2 P.M. EARN A FREE ENTRY TO THE PAGEANT BY SELLING THE 50 CENT DONATION TICKETS STATE WINNERS RECEIVE A 2 000 SAVINGS BOND NNoo EExxppeerriieennccee NNeecceessssaarryy WWW.MISSMAGNOLIASTATE.COM Contestant s Name Age Address City State Zip Date of Birth Phone Email Address (If Any) You may earn your entry fee by selling Good Luck Donation tickets I hereby give the Miss Magnolia State Preliminary Pageant permission to use my child s my photo and name in any and all future promotions. I will not hold the pageant staff or owners of the facility responsible for accidents damages or losses at the pageant or during transportation to and from the pageant. I understand that the judges decisions are final. If I am a Junior Teen Miss or Mrs. contestant I understand that I am required to represent my area at the state pageant on November 22-24 2013. If I win this local pageant. Parents of contestants ages 0-11 must understand that if their daughter son wins she he must attend the state pageant on July 27-28 2013 and will be required to sign a contract to attend the state pageant. MUST BE SIGNED BY PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN. I have read this entire form and fully understand what is stated. I agree to show good sportsmanship. SIGNATURE DATE (This information in the box below will be read on stage) MISS MAGNOLIA STATE PRELIMINARY PAGEANT and win awards also Each ticket sells for 50 . Tickets on back. ABOUT THE DONATION TICKETS Contestant is (name) . She he is the (age) year-old daughter wife son of . She he has hair and eyes. Her his favorite color is and her his favorite food is . Her his favorite TV show is . She he is being sponsored today by . Check Out Our Awesome Website www.missmagnoliastate.com WHAT DO I NEED TO SEND IN STATE Crown for Kids CIRCLE YOUR CORRECT DIVISION BELOW Girls 0-15 MONTHS 16-23 MONTHS 2-3 YEARS 4-5 YEARS 6-8 YEARS 9-11 YEARS 12-14 YEARS-JUNIOR 15-17 YEARS-Miss Teen 18-UP Single-Miss Mrs. Division-Married Contestants Boy Divisions 0-2 Years 3-5 YEARS 6-11 YEARS Make checks payable to Kyshea Mosby Director 134 South Street Saltillo MS 38866 65 Entry Fee 10 Overall Awards Total Deadline to enter is April 15 2013 Sell 150 tickets & enter the pageant and overall awards free Sell 250 tickets & enter the pageant free & receive an extra trophy Sell 500 tickets & enter the pageant free & receive a GEORGEOUS 3 ft. tall deluxe 3 column trophy and RHINESTONE crown 134 South Street Saltillo MS 38866 If you have any questions contact local director KYSHEA MOSBY AT 662-205-2236 OR EMAIL HER AT mosbyk(at)live.com About the Pageants The winners of each girl age division in the Pageant will receive a beautiful rhinestone crown a trophy and a banner. Everyone receives a trophy for competing. Boy winners receive king crown banner and trophy. More winners may be crowned if the pageant is large enough. No experience necessary to compete. The winners of each age group (0-11) the Supreme Winner the Overall Most Beautiful Winner and Miss Magnolia Hospitality Queen will sign a contract to advance to the state pageant. You can sell donation tickets or ads to pay your fee at the state pageant. The state pageant is the Little Miss Magnolia State Pageant and will be held on July 27- 28 2013 at the Vicksburg City Auditorium in Vicksburg MS. Winners of each division at the state pageant will receive a 2 000 Savings Bond or 1 000 CASH It is a privilege to participate in the state pageant. We ONLY allow the winners of preliminary pageants to participate in state. Many do not get the chance to participate in the state pageant because they did not win their local pageant. Contestants ages 0-11 will model an outfit of her choice. The dress code is Sunday wear trendy clothes Easter type dress or flower girl dress. Boys can wear suits or dressy clothes. The clothing is not being judged the contestant is Also no fake hair or teeth on kids is allowed. The 12-14 15-17 age division and 18-Up and Mrs. divisions WILL need to wear long formal gowns There are four side events that you are entered in free just by sending in your one low entry fee of 65 they include a Best Fashion award in each age division a Prettiest Eyes Award Prettiest Smile Award and a Prettiest Hair Award in each age division. Winners of each side award will win a certificate. If you have any questions contact the director. By entering the overall package for an additional 10 you or your child will also be eligible for the Overall Best Fashion Award Overall Most Beautiful Award Miss Hospitality Award and the Overall High Point Supreme Award. We will not double-crown the Overall Supreme Winner and Overall Most Beautiful Winner and an Age Group Queen. The winners of the Junior Teen and Miss divisions will represent their area at the Miss Mississippi Magnolia State Pageant and Miss Teen Mississippi Magnolia State Pageant in Vicksburg on November 22-24 2013. Junior Teen and Miss contestants should have never been pregnant or married. The Mrs. winner will represent her area at the Mrs. Mississippi Magnolia State Pageant also held in Vicksburg on November 22-24 2013. The winners of these divisions must sign contracts to attend the state pageant. There will be up to four alternates in each division who will receive special trophies. Sorry but due to trophy and building rental refunds will not be given if you fail to show for the competition. Admission for everyone except contestants is 3.00 for everyone but kids under 3 are free. The pageant will be held on Saturday April 20 2013 at the Saltillo Community Center located at 216 Cartwright Street in Saltillo MS. Registration will be from 1 00 to 1 30 p.m. You will need to get your contestant number at this time. You may call the director for directions to the pageant if needed. Sorry but checks will not be accepted at the door. We Winners of the MISS MAGNOLIA STATE Pageant For Ages 12-Over Win a CRUISE Local Pageant Director is an independent producer for the Miss Magnolia State Pageant Organization. State Pageant can not be held responsible for any loss theft or injury during the local pageant. If any problems arise from the local pageant state director reserves the right to handle the situation and make all final decisions.



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