Priscilla - Female Terrier (Unknown Type Medium) Mix

Hi my name is Priscilla. I am a sweet 11 month-old tan Terrier mix who weighs 50 pounds. I look just like a teddy bear including the big brown eyes. People have also told me I look a bit like Benji from the movies. So in other words I am super cute and cuddly I was surrendered to the SPCA of Texas on May 13 because my previous owner was not able to properly care for me. I am very inquisitive and have a real nose for treats. If you have them anywhere on you I will sniff them out I d prefer a home with no small children so I can be the center of attention. I have been spayed microchipped and have received all of my age-appropriate vaccinations. A forever home is what I dream of so come see me today. We can play hide and seek with some treats and get to know one another. Don t delay I could be the perfect companion for you Written by Michelle P. SPCA of Texas volunteer Primary Color Tan Weight 49.2 Age 1yrs 0mths 2wks... More Info



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