Excellent opportunity to own your own Almond Ranch. This 9 acre parcel located in LeGrand the heart of the almond production region planted with 7 year old trees with Lovell root stock. Almond mix (approx -8 acres) consists of 50% Carmel 50% Monterey. Irrigation is provided by (MID) water with a double line drip system with a 5hp spin clean filter system. Charming 1960 s home(refurbished) has 3bedrooms 2 baths with approx. 1900 sq. ft. Handsome wooden cabinets gleaming ceramic tile 2 cozy fireplaces and a lovely washroom inside home with storage. Not only is this fabulous property loaded with goodies it is equipped with a 60 x 40 Pole barn 4 car detached carport with storage and a sparkling 36 x 18 gunite swimming pool for the hot summers. MLS MC13007234 CALL PEDRO TORRES REALTOR (209) 872-7772 DRE 01485244 CENTURY 21 SALVADORI 3500 N G STREET MERCED CA 95340 www.YourRealtorPedroTorres.com



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