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Up for the best offer are Dinner Plates Luncheon Plates Bowls Dessert Bowls Serving dishes...
Kim Park
READY TO RUMBLE By SAM BASS 183 1000 812-881-1242
I have 1959 Remco Coney Island Penny Machine......1950s Tom Thumb typewriter with case ..... 960s...
Emily Carletti
Authentic Heirloom Edition of Golden Keepsakes doll. Limited Edition. Has Certificate of Authenticity. She is...
Willie Hymel
completed puzzle ready to be mounted coins copperware 1000 books 1000 movies estate sale
luca lafortune
comes from England functions well however there is corner of the glass jar missing
28 feet 8 inches long wooden flag pole with 9 inch round metal cap. Salvaged...
bridle c w glass flower buttons 80 3 pcs.hames wood and metal with ball on...
I have several old silver box s and many other items for sale .think they...