Lulu - Female Domestic Shorthair

Lulu is a female gray white DSH. DOB approximately May 2008. Lulu came to GGOH after being found during our cold winter months here in Wisconsin she was starved and a little frost-bitten and missing part of her tail. As you can imagine she was also very scared. Lulu has warmed up (no pun intended) to all of us here at GGOH and is a remarkable gal she is so loving and playful and shows no signs of the fears that she had when she first arrived. Lulu likes the outdoors and will occasionally sneak out when an unsuspecting guest holds the door open just a little too long but she never wanders far - usually just a quick roll in the grass and she s ready to come back in. Lulu is such a little charmer - watch out if you stop by for a visit we can guarantee she ll charm her way right into your heart PLEASE READ OUR ADOPTION PROCESS INFORMATION BEFORE SUBMITTING ANY COMMUNICATION OR APPLICATION TO US. Thank you ... More Info



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