Phoebe - Female Great Dane Mix

Meet Phoebe a 5-6 year old mantle colored Great Dane (and hound maybe) mix weighing in at about 90lbs. She is housebroke crate trained (but doesn t need to be crated) and walks pretty well on a leash. Phoebe knows basic commands and is pretty laid back. She currently has two lab foster sisters and gets along with them just fine but can be a little bossy with new dogs when she meets them. She would need a home without small dogs cats or small children. When Phoebe came to helping Paws she had been in a shelter in Northern IN for almost 9 months and was in need of a surgery to fix her luxatating patella. That surgery went well and the knee is working as it should. Because she had the problem likely lifelong she had never really used that leg as it was intended she now currently is only partially using the leg but is improving with extensive daily walks. Phoebe will need to go to a home that can dedicate to taking her for lots of walks until she trusts that leg fully again. She enjoys hanging out in the yard by herself from time to time so a fenced yard would be best for her and you This sweet girl is a lover and enjoys attention all of it if she can push the labs out of the way She is fully vetted chipped spayed and on HW preventative. Please consider being Phoebes forever home. Phoebe is fostered in Indianapolis IN. Phoebe s adoption fee is 150.00... More Info



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