BUBBA - Male Australian Cattle DogShepherd (Unknown Type) Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Meet BUBBA Bubba is very sweet and LOVES to run and play with his dog friends. He also loves to snuggle and to sleep cuddled up with his human. Bubba is enjoying life at his foster home which is located on a golf course. All the golfers know him by name Bubba is a happy dog who is anxious to please. He takes treats very gently and is doggie door trained. Bubba needs a VERY active family and due to his level of energy and endurance he must be adopted into a family that has at least one other very playful dog his size.To meet Bubba please complete an adoption application Our fees and policies are on our home page at BetterDaysRescue.org. We encourage you to register on our site and Favorite the dogs that interest you so that you will be notified when bio or photos are updated.We are staffed by all volunteers and use an application protocol to handle all inquiries about adoptable dogs. This system enables an efficiency that allows us to save and care for more dogs. Discussion about a dog - including scheduling of a home check or other dialogue - cannot occur until we have received your completed adoption application.Thank you Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.... More Info



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