GUCCI - Female Pit Bull Terrier

Check out Gucci s webpage -X ----X.- 2016 06 01 gucci for more information and gorgeous photos.Gucci recently went to a foster home and is proving to be the good girl we knew she was. She is completely house broken and will sit patiently at the door to be let out. She also sleeps through the night on her dog bed. Gucci loves to be around her people and follows her human foster family around the house so she can be close. She gets along well with her canine foster brother and enjoys snuggling up on the dog bed or going on walks together. This smart girl is already picking up on some commands such as sit down and wait. She is very submissive so no harsh corrections needed. She just wants to please her people Most of all Gucci loves to snuggle and will take a loving stable home over the shelter any day. Oh she also doesn t mind the organic banana and peanut butter treats her foster family makes her If you think you can be the perfect permanent family for Miss Gucci please submit an application today ... More Info



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