Searching for that special woman

Hey there My name is Curtis. I am a widowed white male 6 2 with grayish brown hair and hazel eyes. I am 55 yrs old a non smoker if you smoke that is fine. I am a very romantic vey passionate and sensual man. I will love you cherish you spoil you give you endless massages and you will know you are well loved with me. I am serching for a woman that will match my passions and desires and loves to be treated like how a woman should be treated by a southern gentleman. It doesn t what race or how old you are as long as older than 20. I want that special woman in my life that loves kissing cuddling public displays of affection romance passion making endless love and above all being held and caressed. ii seek any female interested but will warn you i am very oral where you are concerned. What I long for is someone that loves being together and is never ever that far apart. I want to meet tht special someone and see where it might take us. I had a wonderful passionate marriage hopefully I will have that again. If you have children that is fine as long as I am allowed to love them as I would love you. I am as I have said a very sensual man seeking a special woman a love that is okay with being loved and spoiled endlessly. I will provide a pic when asked.Curtis



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