Purebred Fluffy and Cute White Maltese Puppies 3boys 1 girl

We have 4 puppies ready for adoption we are taking care of both parents too. All puppies are white fluffy good coat and healthy. We took care of them since day 1 and i want to make sure they will go to good homes. They already eat solid puppy food we feed them Kirkland Brand (from Costco). They are potty trained pee and poop on the pee pad.Please email me for any questions they are ready for adoption.Please see detailed info below Born March 28 2016Age 10 weeksShots None yet we may get it in the next 2 weeks- Or you can also arrange the shots once you get the puppy its easier so the vet can offer you a puppy planMom is 7 lbs purebred with papersDad is 11 lbs purebred without papersRehoming fee for puppies applies. ( 250 for boys 350 for girl)The photos provided are the actual puppies.



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