Sr Engr (AP2)-Ntwk Eng g

Responsibilities Knowledge Skills Advanced understanding of networking systems and TCP IP to include experience in IP Addressing and Subnetting Network Address Translations MTU QoS Strong knowledge of Routing and Switching systems (Cisco or Juniper) understanding of Routing Protocols (OSPF EIGRP and BGP) and Gateway Redundancy Protocols (HSRP VRRP and GLRP) to include experience troubleshooting issues with these protocols. A strong knowledge of VoIP Multicast STP VTP and Virtual LAN s and Trunking (VLAN s) Network Security (ACL s IPSec Tunnels) Cisco ASA s (Security Appliances) SONET ATM MPLS POS Multicast and how to properly implement these technologies. Ability to perform ( moreApply NowCompany



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