AAA Trophy Buck Hunting - Price: see ad page

GOLDEN TRI-ANGLE TORPHY BUCK HUNTING Mississippi---Alabama New lease on 1000 acres...A true triangle hunting ground ... Only 15 hunters every two weeks to keep the pressure at a minimum. THIS IS TRULY A ONCE IN A LIFE TIME HUNT. On the ground we hear about.....but with no success until now. Also HOGS a galore...everywhere. Call Charles Moore 256 221 5354 or 205 614 2612 or rdh194171(at) Five day hunt - one (1) Buck 18 to 24 and two (2) Hogs - 4500 Three day hunt - one (1)Buck 8 to 12 and One Hog - 3000 There is no guarntee but every effort will be made for your ssucess. 50% due at booking and balance on arrival. Please only cash cashier s cheek or money order Address Charles Moore 129 Groger Street Killen al 35645 Transport provided to and from the air port.



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