Looking for team drivers - Compensation: 800wkly

TEAM DRIVERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY (48 STATES) To Run Teams GLAYHORN TRUCKING LLC. HIRING AT THIS TIME CALL (541)325-3126 CDL Drivers wanted. Needed to drived over the road in 48 states. Requirements Must be 21years or older. Must have 2 year of OTR experience. Must be able to pass physical and pass criminal history background. Must not have any DOT Violations. Be patient and be personable. Be able to drive in adverse weather conditions night driving 90%. Candidates need to be Non Smokers. Cleaniness(personal hygiene a must showers taken regulary) Need to be able start ONE WEEK AFTER ORIENTATION Prospective Driver preferred to stay out two months and seven days off . Driver first week compesation deferred for end of employment second week paid thereafter weekly.



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