2012 LINCOLN MKZ - Price: $22,904

SPORTY AND SOPHISTICATED...THIS MKZ CROSSES ALOT OF LINES 3.5L V6 POWER...HEATED AND COOLEDLEATHER SEATS CHROM CLAD WHEELS...DUAL AUTOMATIC CLIMATE CONTROL POWER MOONROOF...SYNC This car is made for EVERYONE .STEEL BLUE METALLIC WITH BLACK INTERIOR...GET IN and ENJOY THE RIDE Don t let the drumming of road noise wear you down. Bask in the quiet comfort of the cabin of this MKZ Visit to view a Free Price Check Jim Schmidt Ford is located just inside the Ohio line on S R 2 in Hicksville Ohio. We are a full service dealership providing our customers with bank financing and Service after the sale. Call one of our friendly and knowledgeable sales staff today.



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