Former SalonDay SpaNail Building-Myrtle Beach-For Sale

Offered for SALE is this prime retail location on U.S. Highway 17 Business. The Property is located on the along Hwy 17 near the entrance to the Pine Lakes Subdivision one of the most mature residential subdivisions and home of the Pine Lakes International Golf Course. The Property is part of a Zero Lot Line development which includes specialty retail restaurant office and service businesses.GENERAL SITE INFORMATION Approximately 0.05 - Acres (2 178 Square Feet)Approximately 25 Feet of Frontage on North Kings HighwayAverage Daily Traffic Count-50 300 (Source SCDOT 2014)Identified as TMS 174-02-21-008 City of Myrtle BeachIMPROVEMENTS Approximately 960 SF Former Salon Day Spa Nail Building Entrances both from the front and side of the building1 Restroom Kitchenette Separate Treatment Room



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