Stephan - Male Domestic Shorthair

Date of birth 5 9 16. Photos taken on 8 12 16. SUPER SWEET Litter mates Stephan Sarge Sybil Stephanie. Buddies Stan and Sherman. He is neutered treated for fleas & worms microchipped tested negative for FeLV FIV & vaccinated for RCP. Adoption fee 110 & 10 microchip registration. If you would like to meet this wonderful kitty as well as many other cats on the web site call RescueCats at -----X or Jerri at 404-304 9210 or e-mail ---X(at)---XX or Jerri at ---(at)--- --You may also visit the RescueCats web site at -.---X.- and see all of the other cats in the Kitty Photo Gallery.Adoption fees range from 110- 250 depending on age and breed. Thank you to his sponsors ) ... More Info



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