2012 Polaris RZR XP 900 Winch 4WD - Price: 11300

One owner 2012 RZR XP 900 that has 57.5 hours. Full body graphics by geckowraps Mayhem Motorsports custom cage Mayhem Motorsports front bumper with bars that tie into frame for strength and a custom basket built in front of the radiator for even more strength Sandcar style full frame windshield with 1 4 lexan Vision X X-mitter 32 light bar White interior lights under seats to light up cab Twisted Stitch Revolver seats with goggle pockets 14X8 Hiper carbon fiber wheels with matching beadlocks on inners as well ITP bajacross 26x10x14 fronts 26x11x14 rears Warn 4500 winch with wireless remote and hard mounted switch by shifter Custom shifter knob Pro-Armor harnesses Pro-Armor doors 5 panel billet aluminum mirror Chrome passenger T-handle Modquad guage cluster bezel Lonestar high clearance rear arms Pro Armor trailing arm armor Trail Armor full skid plate with side pieces SSV Works 10 sub box with memphis sub that has its own 500 watt amp Rockford fosgate marine touchscreen head unit with built in Amplifier for other speakers (has am fm receiver aux ipod and USB capability and charges phone or any device plugged in) Memphis tweeters in dash Two 6.5 Memphis speakers in custom box built above passenger and drivers head for LOUD sound.



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