Sander, Mouse - Black and Decker MS800B - NEW - Price: 28.50

The MS800B is a versatile sander that takes you from general sanding to sanding tight corners and curved shapes other sanders can t accomplish. Its compact design and orbital action makes it ideal for finish and detail sanding polishing metals and scrubbing grout paint from windows. Soft gel grips give comfort and control and the MS800B is the first Black & Decker mouse sander to be offered with an integrated and removable dust collection canister. A separate detail finger attachment sands deep into corners and other hard-to-reach areas. The MS800B is also sold with (2) contour attachments to sand curved shapes like chair spindles dowels recessed areas of woodworking projects grooved surfaces and more. The MS600B also includes 11 sanding accessories and a storage bag. - X-tras also included 1 5pk 80 grit sanding sheets valued (at) 7.95.



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