Gaur Siddharthamb Residency in Siddharth Vihar Call 9711836846

Guar Siddhartham residency situated in Siddharth Vihar Ghaziabad. Gaur Siddhartham Ghaziabad offers 2BHK and 3 BHK flats in Siddharth Vihar. Guar Siddhartham high rise tower has a height of 25 floors and 26 floors. These are affordable apartments and offers world class amenities and specifications to units and project. Project Amenities Gym Swimming PoolTable Tennis Carrom Pool TableKids Pool Play AreaBasket Ball Court Badminton CourtJogging Trackside wide roads and ease of connectivityAvailable all modern amenities facility Project Details Project Name GAUR SIDDHARTHAMLocation NH 24 SIDDHARTH VIHAR GHAZIABADProject Area 12 acresSize 945 sq. Ft. (2 BHK)Price 32 lacs. Contact Details Call On 9711836846Visit On



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