PACIFIC REPORTER 2d Series. 180 volumes of Court Cases. ONLY 300

PACIFIC REPORTER 2d Series Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of the following13 western states Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of AZ CA CO ID KS MT NV NM OK OR UT WA WY.published by West Publishing Company St. Paul MN. 1931 - 1948. hardcovers leather bound. In good to very good condition overall. All bindings are good tight & straight. Nearly all covers show only mild shelf wear some soiling. Nearly all pages are clean & unmarked. No unpleasant or offensive odors.Please note there are 6 volumes that did not receive the same level of care that the others did so these will be included with the order - but you are not being charged for them - this order is priced for ONLY 180 volumes which is minus these 6 damaged volumes & 5 free ones to make up for any unnoticed issues. A very solid attractive set of Pacific Reporters that is priced very reasonably Can be picked up in Mountain Home Idaho 40 miles south east of Boise Idaho. Will accept payment by cash or business check OR by PayPal account.



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